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Считыватель SuperUser Sardar_Usama хочет знать, почему антивирусное программное обеспечение помещает в карантин вирусы и вредоносное ПО вместо их удаления ?:
Why does antivirus software quarantine viruses and malware instead of completely deleting them? I think it would be better to make sure your computer is safe by completely getting rid of them. How can I manually remove quarantined items?
Почему антивирусное программное обеспечение помещает в карантин вирусы и вредоносное ПО вместо их удаления?
Ответчики SuperUser Джули Пеллетье и Мокубай отвечают за нас. Сначала, Джулия Пеллетье:
Antimalware applications provide a quarantine option, which is often on by default for two reasons:
- Keeping a backup of the items identified as threatening in case of a false positive. Although not very common, I have seen cases of false positives on many different legitimate application files and drivers.
- Having the items in quarantine may allow for them to be better (further) investigated. The fact that a particular virus or malware matches a known signature does not mean that it is exactly the same, but may actually have other unique characteristics.
Вслед за ответом от Мокубая:
If a virus or malware has embedded itself into a file you actually want, such as a Word document or similar, then outright deletion may be the worst option from the user’s perspective. Quarantine at least gives you a chance, however risky, to get the actual file contents you need back.
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