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Читатель SuperUser Зейн Вудэрд хочет знать, как защитить паролем папку на Linux / Unix без шифрования:
I have searched around quite a bit for either a built-in feature or program to do this, but had no luck. I want to password protect a folder, but do not want to encrypt it.
The security of the contents of the folder is not important, the password would just act as a deterrent to somebody attempting to access the contents of the folder from my computer. Think of it like a password lock on a computer, if you were to remove the hard-drive, you could easily take all the files the user had, but the password is still a deterrent to people accessing the contents of the drive.
Two main reasons for not using encryption here are:
- Decreased performance for opening files.
- Encryption prevents the contents from being indexed/searchable.
Is anybody aware of a solution?
Есть ли простое решение, которое Зейн мог бы использовать для защиты паролем своей папки?
Ответчики SuperUser R Schultz и Bodo Thiesen отвечают за нас. Сначала, Р. Шульц:
The easiest way would be to change the permissions of the files so that they are not readable by anyone other than the owner. Once that is done, a user would have to either log in as you (which should require a password) or sudo as root (which should also require a password). To change the permissions, simply use the following command on any files you do not want others to have access to.
chmod og-rwx filename
This assumes that when you are not at your computer, your screen is locked and there is a password for your account as well as the root account.
Вслед за ответом Бодо Тизена:
Create a new user for these protected files and/or directories. Then replace $newuser with the new user account name:
- chown $newuser filename directoryname
- chmod og-rwx filename directoryname
This way, the files and directories are safe even if you do not log out and have your screen unlocked for some reason.
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