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Читатель SuperUser Rajesh Nielmbaram хочет знать, могут ли магниты повредить или стереть жесткий диск ноутбука:
Suppose my younger brother is playing with magnets near my Dell laptop. Can a magnet wipe data from the hard-drive or otherwise irreversibly damage it?
Могут ли магниты повредить или стереть жесткий диск ноутбука?
У участника SuperUser Josh R есть ответ для нас:
While you can damage hard-drives with magnets, it takes a very, very powerful magnet to do any damage. As this article explains, any magnet that your brother may be playing with will not be large enough to do any damage:
Article Quote: This myth was popularized by movies where hackers or criminals would quickly erase the contents of their hard disk drives with a few sweeps of a powerful magnet. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to do it with regular magnets, no matter how big they are.
Every hard disk drive actually contains two powerful neodymium-iron-boron magnets that control the movements of the read/write heads. Yet the data on the platters remain unaffected. It will take a very, very powerful magnet to affect the data inside the hard disk drive.
Вы также можете прочитать сообщение Q и A SuperUser относительно различных компьютерных компонентов, которые уязвимы для магнитов здесь:
Какие компьютерные компоненты в настоящее время уязвимы для магнитов?
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