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Читатель SuperUser user40780 хочет знать, какой ключ на клавиатуре Mac соответствует символу ⇥:
I was looking at PyCharm documentation which has the following instructions:
To change indentation of a text fragment, do one of the following:
1. On the main menu, choose Edit | Indent Selection / Edit | Unindent Selection.
2. Press ⇥ / ⇧⇥.
What functions as the ⇥ key on Macs? I do not see this symbol on my keyboard.
Какой ключ на клавиатуре Mac соответствует символу ⇥?
У участников SuperUser Spiff и Levi есть ответ для нас. Сначала, Spiff:
The Tab Key is the one you are looking for.
Вслед за ответом Леви:
I have had similar problems interpreting Mac keyboard shortcuts and found the following list to be useful:
Image Source: Dan Rodney – Mac Keyboard Shortcuts
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