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Считыватель SuperUser Адам хочет знать, возможно ли, чтобы DNS-серверы влияли на скорость загрузки:
I have been experiencing a problem with low download speeds from the Mac App Store. I decided to change my DNS configuration to Google DNS and it started to download over ten times faster on the same Wi-Fi setup. How is this actually possible?
Возможно ли, чтобы DNS-серверы влияли на скорость загрузки?
Ответчик SuperUser Linef4ult отвечает за нас:
They can have an indirect effect. For example, downloading a file from Akamai:
Say you are in Germany. DNS server A resolves you to a French node, the connection is good, and the download is fast. DNS server B resolves you to a U.S. node, the connection is poor, and the download is significantly slower.
Slow DNS queries themselves will not cause your download speed to be slower, but they will cause web pages to wait longer before starting to download.
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