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Считыватель SuperUser 09stephenb хочет знать, можно ли разделить его жесткий диск на более чем 4 первичных раздела:
Is there a way to split a hard-drive into more than 4 primary partitions? I am installing multiple operating systems and it would make life a lot easier if there was a way to do this. My hard drive is 1 TB in size.
Есть ли способ разделить жесткий диск 09stephenb на 1 ТБ на более чем 4 первичных раздела? Если да, то как далеко вы могли бы быть, с количеством перегородок?
Ответы для участников SuperUser gronostaj и Daniel B имеют для нас ответ. Сначала, хроностай:
You can use a GUID partition table instead of an MBR partition table. GPT can handle 128 partitions by default, but you can increase that number by resizing the partition table size, as stated in this article posted in the comments by @Vality.
Note that GPT is relatively new, and older OSes may be unable to handle it correctly. In some cases, your GPT can be completely destroyed if software does not support it.
A grub menu booting 100+ systems of Dos, Windows, Linux, BSD, and Solaris (forum thread) can be helpful if you want to stick to an MBR.
Вслед за ответом Даниила Б:
Yes, this is possible even with an MBR partition table. There is a special partition type called Extended Partition. It is essentially another partition scheme enclosed in an MBR partition. Wikipedia has a surprisingly detailed description of this scheme.
So long as the boot loader resides on a regular partition, there are no relevant limitations. Still, some operating systems may throw a tantrum.
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