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Читатель SuperUser Саид Неамати хочет узнать, есть ли простой способ определить, какой тип диска у него внутри:
I recently received a pre-assembled computer with Windows 8 installed and have no idea if the internal drive is SSD or HDD (SATA or otherwise). I have been unable to find a way to tell if the drive is SSD or not (apart from the capacity/size of the drive). However, now that the sizes of SSDs are getting close to those of HDDs, this method is not serving as a good approach to determining which type of drive my computer has. Are there any other methods for detecting an SSD drive?
Есть ли простой способ определить, какой тип накопителя находится в компьютере Саида?
Ответы для разработчиков SuperUser DragonLord и JMK есть у нас. Сначала, DragonLord:
Actually, there is a much simpler solution. Windows Drive Optimizer (formerly called Disk Defragmenter) reports whether a drive is HDD or SSD. You can access this utility by pressing the Windows key, searching for optimize, and selecting Defragment and optimize your drives.
Вслед за ответом от JMK:
Because it has not been mentioned yet, Speccy is great for seeing in-depth information about every component of your computer (including your internal drive).
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