Разве GPT-разделы менее подвержены коррупции по сравнению с основами MBR?


Разве GPT-разделы менее подвержены коррупции по сравнению с основами MBR?
Разве GPT-разделы менее подвержены коррупции по сравнению с основами MBR?

Видео: Разве GPT-разделы менее подвержены коррупции по сравнению с основами MBR?

Видео: Разве GPT-разделы менее подвержены коррупции по сравнению с основами MBR?
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Считыватель SuperUser Клэй Николс хочет узнать, могут ли разделы GPT менее подвержены коррупции по сравнению с MBR-based:

I know that GPT (GUID Partition Table) partitioning has some benefits over MBR (Master Boot Record), including support for:

  • More partitions (128)
  • Hard drives larger than 2TB

Are there any other benefits like less potential for corruption or are you just playing whack-a-mole where GPT can also become corrupted in the same way as MBR? The two hard drive failures I have experienced were due to corrupted MBRs.

Разделены ли разделы GPT менее подвержены коррупции по сравнению с MBR?


Ответы для разработчиков SuperUser mtak для нас:

According to the Wikipedia article on GUID Partition Tables, there is redundancy built into the GPT partition scheme. The GPT header is written at the beginning as well as at the end of the disk (see graphic below). In addition, the partition table header also contains a CRC32 checksum for itself and for the partition table.

The redundancy is not available in the MBR partition scheme, which only occupies the first 512 bytes of a disk. The extra redundancy would allow for more resilience against corruption. The CRC32 checksum allows the system to detect which of the two headers is the correct, uncorrupted one if a problem arises so that it can be used to repair the other one.
The redundancy is not available in the MBR partition scheme, which only occupies the first 512 bytes of a disk. The extra redundancy would allow for more resilience against corruption. The CRC32 checksum allows the system to detect which of the two headers is the correct, uncorrupted one if a problem arises so that it can be used to repair the other one.

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Image Credit: Схема таблицы разделов GUID by Kbolino (Wikipedia)
