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Читатель SuperUser Jedi хочет знать, что случилось с chrome: // плагины в Google Chrome:
Until recently, Google Chrome allowed a person to enable or disable plugins (like Adobe Flash Player) using the chrome://plugins page. But it seems that the page no longer exists (as of Google Chrome 57.0.2987.98). So how do I access Google Chrome’s plugins now?
Что случилось с chrome: // плагинами в Google Chrome?
У участника SuperUser Стивена есть ответ для нас:
The chrome://plugins page was removed in Google Chrome, version 57.
Objective: Remove the chrome://plugins page, moving configuration for the last remaining plugin, Adobe Flash Player, to its own explicit place in content settings (including an option, in settings, to disable it).
Source: Chromium – Issue-615738: Deprecate chrome://plugins
Use chrome://settings/content to control when Adobe Flash content is displayed and chrome://components to display the version of Adobe Flash Player installed.
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